My Hair Grows Like a Tree by Tamika Philli
About the book
An experience for young girls to explore the beauty of nature in them. Filled with creative illustrations and fun activities, readers get to sketch, colour and create. It is a book that sparks discussions between parents and children about their hair and what makes it special. It really gets kids thinking about their hair and their skin and how they relate to the shapes, colours and textures of things present in nature. It is also recommended for teachers who wish to discuss other cultures and people’s different physical characteristics.
About the author
Tamika Phillip was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, and earned a degree in Communication Arts in New York. She has travelled, lived and worked in Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Italy, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Antigua and Grenada. Throughout her travels, her hair has always been a mystery to others. The story of her book begins with one response to a woman:”My hair grows like a tree and your hair flows like a waterfall.”
Market: juvenile ( from age 5), library, school, African/ Black
(BIC Bisac) 217 x 227 mm; Paperback;
ISBN: 9780993503634